Natural Products to treat Psoriasis

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What is Psoriasis?

Among the diseases of the skin, Psoriasis it is among the most particular. Its diagnosis, generally, does not lead to alarming physical complications, however, due to its effects on the skin, it implies a great decrease in the quality of life.

General picture of Psoriasis

there are several types of psoriasis documented, none that can be infected or hereditary, although all have a genetic load worthy of study.

The types of psoriasis are defined by the areas of the body that affect, grouped into:

  • Vulgar psoriasis: the most frequent in adults, produces redness and inflammation in the scalp, joints and nails, mainly.
  • Psoriasis Gutata: more observed in children, it also becomes chronic in adolescents. The most affected areas are the trunk and extremities.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis: The most invasive of psoriasis, covers up to 90% of the skin of red plaques, mostly symmetrical, with a whitish center.

Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a reaction of the body to a malfunction in the immune system. Present in the 1% of the population, a specific agent that causes it has not been defined. Although the gene that causes the development of the pathological process has been identified, it is not classified as hereditary, since its activation, as well as treatment and eradication, is particular to each case.

If a tendency to a greater presence of psoriasis has been observed in people with:

  • Obesity, that is, bad nutrition.
  • Excessive consumption of tobacco
  • Episodes of high stress.

How is psoriasis treated?

The quantity of products with proven effectiveness in the treatment of psoriasis is its most notable feature. A lot of resources have been used in the eradication of different cases, but there is none common for all.

This makes us present the 4 main methods for the treatment of psoriasis applied by specialists:

  1. Tópico: Around vitamin D, different formulas have been developed creams for psoriasis anti-inflammatory and anti-redness, prescribed by specialists.
  2. Phototherapy: In cases of more extensive psoriasis, ultraviolet UVB radiation is used. It can be natural, with moderate baths of sunlight, or by lamps.
  3. Systemic treatments: Through immunological supplements, specialists promote the action of the organism for the eradication of the disease.
  4. Combined therapies: The specialists, as effective method, structure a treatment composed of the three previous modalities, reducing the possible side effects that each method can produce separately.

At iunatural we have products that can help you treat this disease. Consult them in the following link.

Prevention of psoriasis

One of the elements that activates the gene that contains psoriasis responds to infectious processes not eradicated at the root. These make the skin very susceptible to contaminants, organic or synthetic.

In addition to a careful care of your diet, maintaining a strict hygiene is key to the prevention of psoriasis. The hands and feet are prone to keep germs and bacteria causing infectious processes that violate your natural defenses. In the same way it happens with the scalp.

Psoriasis is a condition that has proven treatments through the use of natural substances. Our product catalog has excellent and completely natural solutions, capable of eradicating psoriasis without the effects that some chemical components could produce.

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